Friday 27 July 2012

Friday: Office Wears and Shares

Here's what the office attire looked like today, what a bunch of slick ricks we all are....

The first close up is of my lady in Sales, who haggled hard for these little beauties in a market in China. Apples for...wedges. And they're orange, try and peel your eyes off of these:

Red check shirt by Folk and a tat man, we like this combo:

High five it's Friday, cool runnings for a pre Olympic weekend...Adidas greys!

Spanish Beatriz is stunning in neon (she clocked my former blog post!) Fabulous luminous green jacket from Zara with hot pink and chunky gold necklace...

 Here's to clutching this desktop tease. The Harriet bag by Mulberry...

Hold the Sushi, and hello Michael Kors rose gold watch. Quite a show stopper:

Vics did well spotting these Acne high tops, perfect summer footwear and beautiful in beige....