Strip though they certainly did, to an audience of bedazzled couples, lovely lady groups and then, unfortunately, one rowdy horde of STALE mates. Men well past their prime and well without manners or I'd bet: morals. Think gaunt ex-rock star types mixed in with senior city bankers- total booze hounds quite literally hounding the stage. Oh and by the way when did it become ok to roar lines like 'chocolate sandwich twice!' Ah that's right it didn't. Epic fail you dirty old perve!
Such calls to mind the matter of men's degradation
of women and nudity, both those women who choose to bare themselves publically/
professionally and those who do so in the privacy of their own environment. Is
it sexual female empowerment and assertiveness that some find so threatening?
Is the female body threat enough to reduce women to sexual objects using insulting
language rather than considering any intelligent, worldly capacity that we
Don't even go there, Kate Middleton scandal, I have no
comment just utter admiration for our Duchess and disdain for tabloid tossers
cashing in. Grace Dent knows the tune, and I'm singing it too! Now at
the risk of going all out Ferminist on you, it's worth mentioning Naomi Wolf
right about NOW. In her new book Vagina she discusses language about the
vagina and how it has been sexually insulting and abusive through time. I have
not read it yet, but I have an inkling that she may just be onto some new
gender theories. We all know that, as women WE ARE the whole package, and do in
fact run the world. Viva La Vagina!
The above (rage) may be contradiction to the fact that I did willing waltz,
along with my gal pals, into the boudoir-themed erotica of Forever Crazy. A risqué
show that says in diamante 'God bless bare skin', a show that applauds female
sexuality and nakedness but for me and most: the artistic, performative talents
of women. Shimmying their way through to December the Forever Crazy show is a
sparkly spectacle that is definitely worth seeing, plus it makes you wanna pout
and flirt out with a little Peggy Lee.
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