Tuesday, 10 July 2012

It’s About Time Too

Now I was never one to wear a watch 24/ 7 or even 9-5 because I was always looking for something just right. I think you have to be selective as your watch says a lot about you; are you a diamanté, diamonds are forever kind of gal? A neon coloured Casio pro, perhaps you’re in with the rose gold Michael kors Klan, or is it the classic leather strap, roman numeral look that you may have inherited slash stolen from your Ma slash Grandma?

I went through a stage of collecting shabby, chic gold gentleman’s watches (sometimes wearing multiple along with bangles and bracelets up to my elbows (still LOVE this look)). Then after a sighting about a year ago I found love in this DKNY beauty and had to have her. A year on and we are still inseparable, teaming up with many an outfit, and it has to be said I get that niggling excited feel every time I check her shiny face or I spy someone eying her up. 

Yes this was expensive (£250) but my Ma always says on days of, and in queues when, deliberating ask yourself this: if I paid a pound every time I wear this watch, that bag, those jeans,  will that make up to what I am spending now? Yes, YES a thousand times yes. I also used to do that ‘save it for best’ thing, but I say make every day a ‘look my best day’. Black and gold are my colours; smart, sexy and timeless. It was clearly time that we met.  

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